School’s out for winter! Keeping little ones occupied and engaged through the holiday season requires no shortage of activities, recipes, and ideas. Make memories that will last a lifetime with Dwayne’s suggestions for festive, family-friendly fun. A tradition Dwayne and his family have come to enjoy is finding ways to give back and spread holiday cheer throughout their community.

It’s no secret that Dwayne loves to cook, bake, and experiment in the kitchen. Even more so when he can get the little ones in on the fun! During the holidays, he loves to turn cooking into a hands-on activity where everyone gets to creative something festive and delicious. This year it’s DIY Donut Wreaths! Since perfecting his bread making skills during lockdown, Dwayne plans to whip up a batch of donuts from scratch, but store-bought classic glazes from your favorite donut shop will work perfectly. Set out green icing in piping bags or melted in a bowl for dipping, along with an assortment of sugar baubles, sprinkles, and candies to adorn your donut. Each kiddo can design their own and share a heartwarming sentiment of what their wreath means to them, like welcoming family and friends home for the holidays.

We all know how challenging it can be to get back on track after the holiday season. Responsibilities, schedules, and especially our diets seem to take a back seat to parties, indulgences, and reasons to celebrate. It can be just as difficult for kids to get back into the learning mindset come January, so Dwayne has an itinerary of stimulating, educational exercises lined up to keep their little minds active and engaged even while school’s out. Encourage them to challenge themselves to a new skill or pick up a new hobby, like learning the music scale or how to count to 10 in a new language. Then set goals and milestones for them to reach each day of winter break. Not only will they have kept their minds sharp and in learning mode, they might even discover a new passion or hidden talent!

There’s no better time than the holidays to get out into your community to share the warmth and joy of the holiday season with those that need it most. From your local food banks to a nearby children’s hospital or assisted living facility, there are plenty of places to start. Our time is our most precious resource so lending it generously to help out or share a special moment is truly a gift. Encourage little ones to craft holiday cards or ornaments to share with neighbors or assign them chores to raise money to grant to their favorite charitable organization. Instilling the rewards of giving back into kids from a young age will make their world shine a little brighter all year round.